central office
No.31, Shahid Fathi Shaghaghi (8) St, Seyed Jamaledin Asad Abadi St, Tehran, Iran. Postal code 1431793843
(+98) 21 - 88105110 (+98) 21 - 88105610 info@rahyabmelal.comKurdistan representative office
No.251, 15th Alley, Baharestan Street, Baharan District, Sanandaj, Iran, Postal code 6617737147
(+98) 87 - 33782909-11 (+98) 21 - 89787919 info@rahyabmelal.com
Excel Files:
PDF Manual:
Guide for Calculating the Concrete Operation Pay Factor According to the Calculation Excel File
Download the full instruction file via the link below: